ARA oil product stocks fall from two-year high

25 July, 2019 (Argus) — Inventories of oil products independently held in Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) fell this week from two-year highs a week earlier.

Overall stocks fell in fuel oil inventories. Suezmaxes left the ARA area for west Africa and to Singapore, where a bunker fuel shortage has opened the arbitrage from Europe after two months of limited flows.

Naphtha inventories fell to the lowest level since January 2017. Seaborne arrivals fell and demand held firm both locally and along the Rhine river. Demand from gasoline blenders has been supported in recent weeks by high transatlantic outflows of gasoline. Tankers carrying naphtha arrived in the ARA area from Denmark, Portugal, Russia and the UK.

Outflows of gasoline to the US fell on the week, but transatlantic shipments remained at a high level with a rise in tankers departing for Latin America. A week-on-week increase in gasoline cargoes arriving from Russia supported inventories, which rose by 1.1pc. Tankers also arrived from France, Norway and the UK. Barge congestion eased in Amsterdam.

Gasoil inventories rose by to a nine-month high. Demand from along the Rhine ticked down for a second consecutive week. With almost no rainfall forecast in the southwest of Germany until the end of July, German importers spent the early part of summer preparing for possible low Rhine water levels by moving gasoil barges from ARA up the river for inland storage. Falling Rhine water levels have since prompted the imposition of barge loading restrictions and subdued the trade.

ARA jet fuel stocks fell to a seven-week low. Demand was firm, seasonally. A part-cargo arrived from India, and tankers departed for the UK.

Reporter: Thomas Warner

ARA Diesel/Gasoil Stockpiles Gain as Contango Widens

19 July, 2019 (Bloomberg) – ARA stockpiles of diesel and gasoil
increased to their highest level in a month as an emerging
contango in ICE gasoil futures for the next few months offered
an incentive to some market players to store, according to
Insights Global.
* Gasoil/diesel stockpiles, the highest
since mid-June and highest for the time of year since 2016
** Stockpiles also grew on higher imports from Russia, Saudi
Arabia and the U.S. in past week, Lars Van Wageningen of
Insights Global said by phone
** MIDEAST-EUROPE FUEL FLOWS: July Volumes Set to Mark Another
* Jet fuel stockpiles, highest for the
time of year in data starting from 2007
** Stockpiles increased on higher imports from other regions,
including larger LR2 shipments from India and Singapore; higher
volumes arriving in Europe to serve seasonally strong jet fuel
demand: Van Wageningen
** Exports to the U.S. were lower in the past week while inflows
to ARA increased from elsewhere in NW Europe, Russia and Spain;
those volumes are likely destined for future exports: Van
** Higher Baltic imports in past week including cargoes from
Lithuania, Poland and Russia outweighed exports to West Africa
and the Middle East, Van Wageningen said, adding that the
arbitrage opportunity to Asia is currently closed

Reporter: Bill Lehane

ARA oil product stocks highest in over two years

19 July, 2019 (Argus)  Inventories of oil products independently held in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) area have risen in the past week to reach their highest level since May 2017.

Stocks of all surveyed products except naphtha increased, with gasoline inventories rising the most in percentage terms. Tankers loaded with gasoline arrived in ARA from France, Norway, Russia, Spain and the UK in the past week, with inflows from the Mediterranean and Russia notably high. The arbitrage route from northwest Europe to the US remains open and market participants are bringing gasoline and blending components to the region ready for transatlantic export. Tankers left the region for the US, Argentina, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. The high volume of incoming and outgoing seaborne cargoes added to the congestion in the gasoline barge market, particularly around Amsterdam. Tankers and barges often load and discharge from the same jetties.

Gasoil inventories rose in the past week to reach their highest level since October 2018. Demand along the river Rhine ticked downwards after inland restocking pulled in high volumes during the previous week, and seaborne arrivals from Russia rose. Tankers also arrived from Saudi Arabia and the US, while cargoes left for France, the UK and west Africa.

Fuel oil stocks rose. No tankers departed for key arbitrage destination Singapore, but fuel oil cargoes did depart for the Mediterranean, Saudi Arabia and west Africa. Tankers arrived from Lithuania, Poland and Russia.

Jet fuel stocks in the ARA area rose during the past week. Demand from the aviation sector was firm in line with seasonal expectations, and market participants suggested that there was little spot volume available. Tankers arrived from India and Singapore, and departed for Denmark, Ireland and the UK.

Naphtha inventories bucked the trend, falling on the week amid firm demand from gasoline blenders in the ARA area. Tankers arrived from Algeria, Denmark, France, the Mediterranean, Russia and the UK, while none departed.

Reporter: Thomas Warner

ARA oil product stocks fall on the week

12 July, 2019 (Argus) – Inventories of oil products independently held in Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) fell in the week to today.

Stocks of all surveyed products except naphtha fell on the week. Fuel oil inventories fell most heavily, dropping -week lows. The very large crude carrier (VLCC) Cosdignity Lake departed Rotterdam carrying oil cargo and a smaller tanker departed for west Africa. The arbitrage route to Singapore appeared to be workable in the past week. Vitol booked the VLCCs Front Duchess and FPMC C Melody to take fuel oil to Singapore, loading in Rotterdam on 15 July and 2 August, respectively.

Gasoil inventories fell. Demand from along the river Rhine was steady on the week with gasoil heading inland on barges. Disruption to refining activity caused by the Druzhba pipeline outage in April-May weighed on inland inventories, which are now being restocked. Tankers arrived from Russia and the US and departed for France and the UK.

Gasoline inventories fell on the week. Tankers arrived in ARA from the Black Sea, Norway, Russia, Spain and the UK. But higher demand from the US and rising demand from west Africa supported outflows. Gasoline barges continued to suffer loading delays in the Amsterdam area, with barges and tankers competing for slots.

Jet fuel stocks in ARA fell. Demand from the aviation sector was firm in line with seasonal expectations. No jet fuel tankers arrived in ARA during the reporting period, but at least one departed for the UK.

Naphtha inventories climbed on the week, with rising prices drawing in cargoes from Algeria, France, Latvia, Spain and the UK. The return from scheduled maintenance of several petrochemical facilities in Europe and firm demand from the gasoline blending sector has supported naphtha prices in northwest Europe and bolstered inflows.

Reporter: Thomas Warner

ARA Gasoline Heads to U.S. After Refinery Fire Boosts Arb: IG

8 July, 2019 (Bloomberg) – ARA stockpiles of gasoline drew in
the past week on elevated transatlantic shipments of the road
fuel, according to Insights Global.
* Gasoline stockpiles fell in the week to July 3;
that was the biggest one-week draw since mid-May
** The arbitrage opportunity on the route re-opened after U.S.
gasoline prices jumped in the aftermath of the fire and
explosion at the PES refinery, Lars van Wageningen, operations
manager at Insights Global, said by phone
** EUROPE-AMERICAS FLOWS: PES Fire Prompts Surge in Loadings

** Stockpiles drew after Suezmax Minerva Evropi loaded fuel oil
and departed for Singapore; exports to Mediterranean, West
Africa also played a part: Van Wageningen
* Gasoil/diesel stockpiles, the highest since
mid-June and above average for the time-of-year
** Stockpiles gained mainly as a result of elevated imports from
India as well as inflows from Russia and the U.S., outweighing
the impact of stable flows inland along Rhine: Van Wageningen
* Click here for summary of latest weekly changes; see full

Reporter: Bill Lehane

ARA oil product stocks rise on the week

4 July, 2019 (Argus) – Inventories of oil products independently held in Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) have increased by in the week to 3 July, buoyed by a rise in gasoil stocks, according to consultancy Insights Global.

Gasoil inventories rose. Production of middle distillates in the region is rising as refineries in northwest Europe return from planned or unplanned outages. These include three German facilities — Schwedt, Leuna refinery and Vohburg refineries — as well as the Rotterdam refinery and Cressier plant.

Gasoline inventories fell on the week as a result of higher exports to the US Atlantic coast and Canada. An increase in gasoline blending activity caused barge congestion in Amsterdam and Rotterdam as market participants moved finished grade product and components around the area. Tankers departed ARA area for Brazil, west Africa and northern Germany. But increasing refining activity in Germany is likely to curtail gasoline tanker movements from ARA to the country. Gasoline cargoes arrived from the Baltics, Finland, Norway, Spain and the UK.

Naphtha inventories rose on the week, after falling by a similar amount the previous week. Rising northwest European naphtha prices attracted cargoes from Algeria, Norway, Portugal, Russia and the UK.

Fuel oil inventories fell on the week. Tankers departed for the Mediterranean, west Africa and the Suezmax Minerva Evropi left Rotterdam for Singapore. Cargoes arrived in the ARA from France, Lithuania, Russia and the UK.

Jet fuel stocks in ARA fell back slightly from the two-year highs recorded during the last three weeks. Demand rose in line with seasonal expectations. But the return to service of the Leuna refinery weighed on demand for jet fuel barges on the river Rhine, as supply from inland increased. Jet fuel tankers arrived from the UAE and departed for the UK and Ireland.

Reporter: Thomas Warner

Press Release: René Loozen joins INSIGHTS GLOBAL as Consultancy Business Director

As of September 1st 2019 René Loozen will join the INSIGHTS GLOBAL team to take the role of Consultancy Business Director. In this role he has the assignment to shape, grow and lead the global consultancy organization in order to bring more value to INSIGHT’s clients. His extensive background in the hydrocarbon, chemical, shipping and tank storage industry, his exceptional ability to understand markets and his solid experience in shaping business intelligence organizations makes him the ideal person to lead this effort.

Patrick Kulsen, Managing Director of INSIGHTS GLOBAL, who previously held this role, will remain available as a senior consultant for clients and will intensively work together with René to maximize value for INSIGHTS’ clients and other stakeholders.

Patrick: ‘René’s expertise in the chemical supply chain really supplements our knowledge base. It’s perfectly in line with our corporate strategy to focus more on rising intelligence demand in the chemicals market.’

René: ‘Insight Global’s data driven and quantitative approach combined with an excellent knowledge of the oil and chemical value chain really helps to facilitate INSIGHT’s customers to make commercial decisions’


INSIGHTS GLOBAL an independent market research company specialized in international petroleum and petrochemical industries. We offer market data, market analysis reports, consultancy and training services to our customers to support their commercial decision making.

ARA oil product stocks rise on gasoline, fuel oil

27 June, 2019 (Argus) — Inventories of oil products independently held in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) area have risen this week, boosted by gasoline and fuel oil stock builds.

Total oil product stocks in the ARA hub rose in the week to 26 June, according to consultancy Insights Global. The week-on-week increase was driven by rises in fuel oil and gasoline inventories, respectively (see table).

Gasoline refining margins in Europe rose this week, boosted by increased demand for the product as a result of the shutdown of Philadelphia Energy Solutions Philadelphia. Sellers are likely accumulating gasoline in tanks ready for blending before export to the US in the coming weeks.

Rising prices drew in cargoes from Italy, France, Portugal and the UK. Gasoline barge movements rose on the week as market participants organised product for export. But demand from along the Rhine fell on the week. Refineries affected by the Druzhba crude pipeline contamination gradually returned to full production.

Fuel oil inventories rose on the week. Exports were limited with inventories in key market Singapore ample. No VLCCs loaded during the week to yesterday.

Naphtha supplies held in ARA storage fell during the past week. An oversupplied naphtha market in the last month has weighed on prices and inhibited shipments to northwest Europe. No tankers came from key supply areas north Africa and Russia.

Gasoil inventories fell. German demand rose, prompting a week-on-week increase in middle distillate barge traffic on the Rhine.

Jet fuel stocks in ARA fell back slightly from the two-year highs recorded during the last two weeks. High inventories in northwest Europe prompted several jet fuel tankers from the Mideast Gulf to divert to the US and Africa, weighing on shipments to the ARA area. Demand from along the Rhine continued to rise as consumption increased in line with seasonal expectations.

Reporter: Thomas Warner

ARA Fuel Oil Stockpiles Swell on Lack of Arbitrage to Asia

1 July, 2019 (Bloomberg) – ARA stockpiles of fuel oil gained to a five-
month high in the past week on a lack of large shipments to Asia
due to weak arbitrage economics, according to Insights Global.
* Fuel oil stockpiles highest since Jan. 24
** No VLCCs shipments loaded for Asia from ARA in past week
because the arbitrage is shut, Lars van Wagenignen, operations
manager at Insights Global, says by phone, adding that some
Aframax shipments arrived bringing supplies to NW Europe from
Russia and Estonia
** Stockpiles grew as these factors outweighed the impact of
some exports to the Middle East for summer power generation and
to West Africa for bunkering: Van Wageningen
* NOTE: Singapore imports of fuel oil at multi-year seasonal
low: IES data
* Gasoline stockpiles highest for time of year since at least 2010
** Arbitrage fixtures to U.S. have been picking up in recent
days following news of PES refinery closure, and more shipments
are expected to be booked in coming week, Van Wageningen says,
adding that the time-lag from an arbitrage opening to tankers
loading can be up to 15 days
* Jet fuel stockpiles in independent storage in NW Europe slip
** Summer seasonal demand has been picking up in past week, Van
Wageningen says, adding that ARA inventories have been lowered
slightly by increased shipments to U.K.
* Click here for summary of latest weekly changes; See full
Reporter: Bill Lehane

Inflows Push ARA Jet Fuel Stores to 12-Year Seasonal High: IG

21 June, 2019 (Bloomberg) – ARA stockpiles of jet fuel increased to
their highest level in more than two years during the past week,
boosted by imports from India and the Middle East, according to
Insights Global.
* Jet fuel stockpiles in independent storage in NW Europe, highest since mid-May 2017, adding to gains last week
** Highest for time of year in data starting from 2007
** Imports remained elevated in the past week, including cargoes
from India and the Middle East, boosting ARA stockpiles even
though some shipments were partly discharged in U.K., Lars Van
Wageningen, operations manager of Insights Global, says by phone

** Inventories may increase further in coming week as more
imports are expected: Van Wageningen
** INDIA-EUROPE FUEL FLOWS: Imports Set to Jump, Mirrors Other
** MIDEAST-EUROPE FUEL FLOWS: Shipments Boosted by Suezmax
* Gasoil/diesel stockpiles – still above 5-
year seasonal avg
** Demand to send fuels inland along the Rhine remained above
average, while more gasoil/diesel was
also shipped to West Africa; imports from outside Europe fell
w/w: Van Wageningen
* Gasoline stockpiles -still remains highest
for time of year in data starting from 2007
** Demand to ship fuel inland to Germany remained above average
in past week, but export demand was weak, with only a few
shipments to U.S., western Canada and West Africa: Van
** EUROPE-AMERICAS FUEL FLOWS: Exports Wane After U.S. Stocks
Reporter: Bill Lehane