Rhine Diesel Shipments Slump 15% on Lower River: Insights Global

(Bloomberg) — The amount of diesel and gasoil shipped
inland along the Rhine river fell in the past week as the
lower river level constrained how much cargo barges could carry,
according to Insights Global.
* Gasoil/diesel stockpiles, remain highest
since mid-June and highest seasonally since 2016
** Shipments to inland Europe slumped due to capacity limitations, Lars van Wageningen, a manager at Insights Global, says by phone
*** READ (July 24): Rhine Fuel Barge Loads Drop Again to
Capacity: Riverlake
* Jet fuel stockpiles – lowest since early
June, remain highest for time of year in data starting from 2007
** Stockpiles drew to serve peak air travel demand, with some
jet fuel shipped by barge to Frankfurt in past week, an
irregular supply route used at times of high demand to
supplement regular supplies via pipeline: Van Wageningen
* Fuel oil stockpiles, lowest since early May
and lowest seasonally since 2016
** Suezmax Marlin Suez loaded fuel oil in Rotterdam for West
Africa; another Suezmax loaded for Singapore
** These larger shipments, combined with local bunker demand,
caused substantial drop in stockpiles, even as some imports
arrived from Russia, the Mediterranean and the U.S.: Van
* Gasoline stockpiles highest for time of year since 2016
** Exports to U.S. declined w/w; additionally, some component
volumes temporarily in storage before going into gasoline
blending: Van Wageningen

Reporter: Bill Lehane