StocExpo’s Conference to Cover: Regulation Changes, Safety Best Practices and Digitalisation
Deep dive into regulation changes, safety best practices and digitalisation at this year’s StocExpo. Curated by the team at Tank Storage Magazine, the two conference tracks at StocExpo on 12 & 13 March will cover the hottest topics in tank storage, energy security and terminal safety.
Want to stay up to date with the regulations that impact you? In the FETSA Tank Storage Conference at StocExpo, Martin Reuvers, Senior engineer at Vopak, will give an update on revisions to PGS 12. Along with industry partners, Vopak has successfully developed a new Dutch standard for safe large scale ammonia storage. Reuvers will present the challenges posed by upscaling ammonia storage as an energy carrier, covering topics including tank design and inspection.
And in the Terminal Operations & Safety Conference taking place on the show floor, Kena Jolley, technical manager at EEMUA will be updating attendees on EEMUA 244. This regulation addresses the management of rectangular metallic tanks, through their complete life cycle, including specification, inspection, and maintenance. It provides practical, pragmatic guidance for owners and operators of such tanks which will help reduce the risk of failure in service and enable the extension of service life where appropriate.
When it comes to the energy transition, StocExpo is your opportunity to engage with industry leaders, expand your network and gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landcape of the tank storage sector.
Mathias Potvin, Terminal Manager at LBC Terminals Rotterdam, Barend Van Schalkwyk at OCI HyFuel, Tamme Mekkes, Business Development Director at Koole Terminals and Jammes Elgen, Head of Port Energy Solutions at Hamburg Port Authority are just some of the speakers covering this topic at the event. They will explore how terminals can reach net zero, what the ‘terminal of the future’ looks like and providing an outlook on what the energy transition looks like from a global perspective.
Euro Tank Terminal in Rotterdam is undergoing improvements in its energy use and emissions, which will enable the terminal to reach net zero by 2042.
The day before StocExpo, on 11 March, ETT will be hosting an exclusive terminal tour of the facility.
‘ETT is a versatile and diverse terminal, however with a compact footprint that is efficiently managed and operated,’ says Hellenthal on what to expect on the tour.
Want to hear how how market leaders have tackled the digital transformation? Over the course of the event, representatives from Evos, Argent Energy and Fujairah Oil Terminal will cover how IoT can be used to improve efficiencies and share their own digital journeys.
When it comes to safety, are you striving for an impressive lost-time incident free operation record? The easiest way to achieve this is to learn from others.
Lai Siang Yeong, Senior Manager Assets & Operations at Advario Asia Pacific will be helping you achieve safety excellence at the terminal. Advario uses HSSE leading and lagging indicators to improve safety at the terminal. He will also be sharing his experiences in creating a reporting, informed and learning culture.
Other noteworthy experts including Gavin Salmon, HSEQ at Oikos, Pol Hoorelbeke, VP Major Risks decision at Total Energies, Gestur Guðjónsson, Environmental and safety manager at Olíudreifing (Iceland) and David Tassadogh at GRESB will tackle topics including learnings from a refinery fire, the value of ESG reporting at the terminal and the risks natural hazards pose to the storage sector.
By Tank Storage / Molly Cooper 01.31.2024